Real Iterations

The technical blog of front end developer Réal Provencher

Recent Posts

  • May 26, 2015 | 6 Minute Read

    eventful-react brings Backbone style events to React

    One of React's defining characteristics is its strict one-way data flow. This is a blessing and a curse; while it adds a functional programming style to component rendering, limiting statefulness to the components where it is really necessary, it ...

  • May 19, 2015 | 4 Minute Read

    A fork-clone bash script

    Forking and cloning a github repo to modify or play around with the code is an extremely common practice, but it's not exactly painless. Having to switch between the browser and the command line to fork and clone is often only a minor annoyance, b...

  • May 11, 2015 | 7 Minute Read

    hub+git makes Github better

    Git is an incredible version control system for projects both large and small, and Github is a perfect companion for hosting repositories. But Git was never designed to be used with Github; the opposite is true. There is a tool called Hub which gi...

  • April 24, 2015 | 15 Minute Read

    Git log options

    Git log is an extremely useful tool for examining your git history on a project. If you use a lot of branches for development it can be difficult to figure out which have been merged or pushed, and git log can certainly help you get a quick overvi...

  • April 22, 2015 | 13 Minute Read

    Pseudo-classical inheritance with prototypes

    Prototypal inheritance is a major sticking point for many when learning Javascript. Compared to a classical inheritance system like most languages have, prototypes are unintuitive and can be unwieldly. Trying to use a constructor function as the p...